A future threat is coming to Earth, known as the Vyzpzz. A monstrous wasp-like alien who wants to harvest humans as their food source by converting their insides into “bloodhoney” for their offspring.
One race has the knowledge to stop this by merging her biotech with a human, but Kjell Sinn was running out of time and had to use the closest animal around. A frog and a salamander, thus creating Cyberfrog (Trikk Rhan) and Salamandroid (Dadurahn Rhan) to be the protectors of Earth.
In the beginning, Cyberfrog and Sal find a human friend named Heather Swain, but when the invasion starts, the story’s tone changes, and it’s time for some seriously gruesome action.
Can Cyberfrog, Salamandroid, and Heather save the human race?